Recursive Least Squares

Recursive Least Squares Family

Implementations of adaptive filters from the RLS class. These algorithms typically have a higher computational complexity, but a faster convergence.

class pyroomacoustics.adaptive.rls.BlockRLS(length, lmbd=0.999, delta=10, dtype=<Mock id='139803631498832'>, L=None)

Bases: pyroomacoustics.adaptive.rls.RLS

Block implementation of the recursive least-squares (RLS) algorithm. The difference with the vanilla implementation is that chunks of the input signals are processed in batch and some savings can be made there.

  • length (int) – the length of the filter
  • lmbd (float, optional) – the exponential forgetting factor (default 0.999)
  • delta (float, optional) – the regularization term (default 10)
  • dtype (numpy type) – the bit depth of the numpy arrays to use (default np.float32)
  • L (int, optional) – the block size (default to length)

Reset the state of the adaptive filter

update(x_n, d_n)

Updates the adaptive filter with a new sample

  • x_n (float) – the new input sample
  • d_n (float) – the new noisy reference signal
class pyroomacoustics.adaptive.rls.RLS(length, lmbd=0.999, delta=10, dtype=<Mock id='139803631498768'>)

Bases: pyroomacoustics.adaptive.adaptive_filter.AdaptiveFilter

Implementation of the exponentially weighted Recursive Least Squares (RLS) adaptive filter algorithm.

  • length (int) – the length of the filter
  • lmbd (float, optional) – the exponential forgetting factor (default 0.999)
  • delta (float, optional) – the regularization term (default 10)
  • dtype (numpy type) – the bit depth of the numpy arrays to use (default np.float32)

Reset the state of the adaptive filter

update(x_n, d_n)

Updates the adaptive filter with a new sample

  • x_n (float) – the new input sample
  • d_n (float) – the new noisy reference signal