pyroomacoustics.stft module

Collection of spectral estimation methods.

This module is deprecated. It is replaced by the methods of pyroomacoustics.transform

pyroomacoustics.stft.freqvec(N, fs, centered=False)

Compute the vector of frequencies corresponding to DFT bins. :param N: FFT length :type N: int :param fs: sampling rate of the signal :type fs: int :param shift: False if the DC is at the beginning, True if the DC is centered :type shift: int

pyroomacoustics.stft.istft(X, L, hop, transform=<Mock name='mock.ifft' id='139803633610448'>, win=None, zp_back=0, zp_front=0)
pyroomacoustics.stft.overlap_add(in1, in2, L)
pyroomacoustics.stft.spectroplot(Z, N, hop, fs, fdiv=None, tdiv=None, vmin=None, vmax=None, cmap=None, interpolation='none', colorbar=True)
pyroomacoustics.stft.stft(x, L, hop, transform=<Mock name='mock.fft' id='139803633610192'>, win=None, zp_back=0, zp_front=0)
  • x – input signal
  • L – frame size
  • hop – shift size between frames
  • transform – the transform routine to apply (default FFT)
  • win – the window to apply (default None)
  • zp_back – zero padding to apply at the end of the frame
  • zp_front – zero padding to apply at the beginning of the frame

Return type:

The STFT of x