Griffin-Lim Phase Reconstruction

Implementation of the classic phase reconstruction from Griffin and Lim [1]. The input to the algorithm is the magnitude from STFT measurements.

The algorithm works by starting by assigning a (possibly random) initial phase to the measurements, and then iteratively

  1. Reconstruct the time-domain signal
  2. Re-apply STFT
  3. Enforce the known magnitude of the measurements

The implementation supports different types of initialization via the keyword argument ini.

  1. If omitted, the initial phase is uniformly zero
  2. If ini="random", a random phase is used
  3. If ini=A for a numpy.ndarray of the same shape as the input magnitude, A / numpy.abs(A) is used for initialization


import numpy as np
from import wavfile
import pyroomacoustics as pra

# We open a speech sample
filename = "examples/input_samples/cmu_arctic_us_axb_a0004.wav"
fs, audio =

# These are the parameters of the STFT
fft_size = 512
hop = fft_size // 4
win_a = np.hamming(fft_size)
win_s = pra.transform.compute_synthesis_window(win_a, hop)
n_iter = 200

engine = pra.transform.STFT(
    fft_size, hop=hop, analysis_window=win_a, synthesis_window=win_s
X = engine.analysis(audio)
X_mag = np.abs(X)
X_mag_norm = np.linalg.norm(X_mag) ** 2

# monitor convergence
errors = []

# the callback to track the spectral distance convergence
def cb(epoch, Y, y):
    # we measure convergence via spectral distance
    Y_2 = engine.analysis(y)
    sd = np.linalg.norm(X_mag - np.abs(Y_2)) ** 2 / X_mag_norm
    # save in the list every 10 iterations
    if epoch % 10 == 0:

pra.phase.griffin_lim(X_mag, hop, win_a, n_iter=n_iter, callback=cb)

plt.semilogy(np.arange(len(errors)) * 10, errors)


[1]D. Griffin and J. Lim, “Signal estimation from modified short-time Fourier transform,” IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, vol. 32, no. 2, pp. 236–243, 1984., hop, analysis_window, fft_size=None, stft_kwargs={}, n_iter=100, ini=None, callback=None)

Implementation of the Griffin-Lim phase reconstruction algorithm from STFT magnitude measurements.

  • X (array_like, shape (n_frames, n_freq)) – The STFT magnitude measurements
  • hop (int) – The frame shift of the STFT
  • analysis_window (array_like, shape (fft_size,)) – The window used for the STFT analysis
  • fft_size (int, optional) – The FFT size for the STFT, if omitted it is computed from the dimension of X
  • stft_kwargs (dict, optional) – Dictionary of extra parameters for the STFT
  • n_iter (int, optional) – The number of iteration
  • ini (str or array_like, np.complex, shape (n_frames, n_freq), optional) – The initial value of the phase estimate. If “random”, uses a random guess. If None, uses 0 phase.
  • callback (func, optional) – A callable taking as argument an int and the reconstructed STFT and time-domain signals